Biocide Disinfectant
Colloidal Silver & Hydrogen Peroxide
Colloidal silver combined with Hydrogen Peroxide is fast becoming more widely known as an effective combination. This combination can be used in oral, IV and external treatments. Please keep in mind that IV treatments should be considered highly experimental.
Adding hydrogen peroxide to a completed batch of colloidal silver atomizes and
ionizes any metallic silver particles remaining in the solution. If enough
hydrogen peroxide is used, the end result is a product with little if any actual
silver particle content.

This process is readily observed by careful attention to the tyndall effect before, during, and after the H2O2 addition and subsequent reaction. Once all of the silver particle content is ionized, some hydrogen peroxide can stabilize in the colloidal silver, it is generally considered that the H2O2 content has a relatively short shelf life. The most useful time period ( in the treatment of readily accessible infections ) seems to occurs within the first 30 minutes of combining the hydrogen peroxide with the colloidal silver, during the period where the catalyst reaction produced by the H2O2 is still occurring.
Increased bio-availability is likely one of the results of the hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) colloidal silver combination. It is possible that that the reaction between silver and H2O2 results in an actual delivery mechanism that increases adsorption of silver directly into tissues that come in direct contact with the colloidal silver. However, this is only one possible explanation for the increased benefit of use.
According to Water and Science Technology, Volume 31 5-6, a 1:1000 solution of colloidal silver to H2O2 increased the efficacy of colloidal silver by up to 100 times against certain bacteria under some circumstances. This indicates that an extremely small amount of colloidal silver with hydrogen peroxide is beneficial, and we see no reason to believe that the opposite is not true, in that extremely small amounts of H2O2 and colloidal silver were used in the study.
High H2O2 / colloidal silver strengths can be used externally with fine results. A 3% H2O2 colloidal silver solution can be mixed and used as an excellent disinfectant and water treatment method, and can be used as a skin cleanser/conditioner for healthy skin tissues.
Hydrogen peroxide as an addition to colloidal silver is not very well documented although the mechanisms at work are. Two treatment philosophies prevail:
Available in packing of 10 Kg, 25 Kg and 50 Kg.
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