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Recent approaches in food bio-preservation – a review Abstract Bio-preservation is a technique of extending the shelf life of food…

Detoxification agents based on magnetic nanostructured particles as a novel strategy for mycotoxin mitigation in food. Highlights • A new…
Identification of small molecule flavor compounds that contribute to the somatosensory attributes of bovine milk products. Highlights •Identified four novel…

Ectosymbiotic bacteria at the origin of magnetoreception in a marine protist Mutualistic symbioses are often a source of evolutionary innovation…
The Indian chemical industry is among the established traditional sectors of the country that play an integral role in the…

Four Trends That Will Define The Chemical Industry’s Future The Chinese zodiac calendar says it’s the Year of the Dog,…
Innovation In The Chemical Industry. The only constant is change, right? For the chemical industry, this could not be more…

The Next Wave of Innovation in the Chemicals Industry The world is potentially on the brink of an age of…
Chemicals 2025: Will the industry be dancing to a very different tune? Chemical companies have been riding high, but the…